Input interpolation#

Some thoughts to consider when deciding how to interpolate your inputs. This feels trivial, but it turns out that there are more choices than may initially be expected. In this notebook, we go through some of those choices.


Packages we’ll use in this notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate

Example model#

To help this discussion, let’s start with an example. Let’s assume we’re solving the following simple energy balance model (although the model details really don’t matter too much for this discussion):

\[ C \frac{dT(t)}{dt} = F(t) - \lambda_0 T(t) \]

We want to solve the initial-value problem defined by this model combined with initial conditions. We want to solve for the temperature of the upper ocean (\(T\)) based on some input radiative forcing (\(F\)).

Our inputs#

The key subtlety is how we handle our inputs when solving the initial-value problem.

The key issue is that we generally don’t specify our inputs as continuous functions. Instead, we pass data around on discrete steps. For example, we may define our forcing as (this would be even better if put inside an xarray data array or something else that put the co-ordinates right next to the data, but let’s not add that complication here):

# Our forcing is defined as discrete data at discrete points
# in time, rather than as continuous functions.
erf = np.array([0, 0.34, 0.34, 0.34])
time = np.array([1849, 1850, 1851, 1852])
# Visualise the forcing
PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS = dict(marker="x", s=100, label="discrete points", zorder=3)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, erf, **PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS)
_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

However, to solve our model, our solver needs to be able to determine the forcing at any point in time, not just on the discrete points given (some solvers don’t require this, but many common ones, e.g. Runge-Kutta, do).

The key point

To solve our model, we have to make a decision about how to go from the discrete points we have defined to a continuous function. The key point of this notebook is examining this decision. This decision is a choice that is made by you, the modeller, and should be actively considered when solving an initial-value problem. There is no perfect decision for all situations, it depends on what you want the experiment to represent i.e. how you want the model to be solved.

Some common choices#

Linear interpolation#

One option is to just linearly interpolate between the discrete points in order to create a continuous function. In many cases, this is a simple and good choice.

linear_spline = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time, erf, kind="linear")

If we make such a choice, our continuous function looks like the below.

PLT_LINE_KWARGS = dict(alpha=0.6)
    **PLT_LINE_KWARGS, color="tab:orange", label="linear interpolation/piecewise linear"
TIME_FINE = np.linspace(time[0], time[-1], 250)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, erf, **PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, linear_spline(TIME_FINE), **{**PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS, "alpha": 1})

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

If we make such a choice, then the model’s temperature response will be something like the below (obviously, all scaled by parameter values but the magnitudes don’t matter for this current illustration). We only plot the temperature at discrete points, because solvers only report at discrete points.

linear_approx_tempreature_response = np.array([0.0, 0.1, 0.15, 0.18])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    time, linear_approx_tempreature_response, **{**PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS, "alpha": 1}

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

The thing to notice here is that, because the forcing is greater than zero between 1849 and 1850, the temperature in 1850 is greater than zero. This is sometimes what we want, but in other cases it won’t be. One very obvious example is step experiments, where we want the step to happen abruptly (i.e. with a sharp leading-edge) rather than gradually over a year. For such cases, the next choice, constant interpolation, is better.

Constant interpolation#

The next option is to assume that the input is constant between each discrete point.

constant_spline = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time, erf, kind="previous")
# Here we do 'previous constant', but you could also do 'kind="next"' or
# 'kind="nearest"' to get a different kind of constant interpolation.

If we make such a choice, our continuous function looks like the below (where previous interpolations are also included for comparison).

    label="constant interpolation/piecewise constant",

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, erf, **PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, linear_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, constant_spline(TIME_FINE), **{**PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS, "alpha": 1})

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

If we make such a choice, then the model’s temperature response will be something like the below (again, all scaled by parameter values but the magnitudes don’t matter for this current illustration). Again, we only plot the temperature at discrete points, because solvers only report at discrete points.

constant_approx_tempreature_response = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.16])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, linear_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
    time, constant_approx_tempreature_response, **{**PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS, "alpha": 1}

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

The thing to notice here is that, because we have a sharp edge, the reported temperature in 1850 will be zero. This is what we would want in a step experiment, but we wouldn’t want something like this in, e.g., a linear forcing experiment (almost by definition). In a linear forcing experiment, we want the forcing to increase linearly and the model to respond accordingly, rather than in a series of steps (so, in such an experiment, we would be better off using linear interpolation instead).

Quadratic interpolation#

The next option is to assume that the input is quadratic between each discrete point.

quadratic_spline = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time, erf, kind="quadratic")

If we make such a choice, our continuous function looks like the below (where previous interpolations are also included for comparison).

    label="quadratic interpolation/piecewise quadratic",

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, erf, **PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, linear_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, constant_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, quadratic_spline(TIME_FINE), **{**PLT_QUDRATIC_KWARGS, "alpha": 1})

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

If we make such a choice, then the model’s temperature response will be something like the below (again, all scaled by parameter values but the magnitudes don’t matter for this current illustration). Again, we only plot the temperature at discrete points, because solvers only report at discrete points.

quadratic_approx_tempreature_response = np.array([0.0, 0.12, 0.18, 0.19])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, linear_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
ax.scatter(time, constant_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS)
    time, quadratic_approx_tempreature_response, **{**PLT_QUDRATIC_KWARGS, "alpha": 1}

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

The key thing to notice here is that the model’s response would differ slightly, only because of a different choice of interpolation. A quadratic interpolation might be the best choice if the first-derivative of the model’s inputs should be continuous, to avoid ‘shock’ effects appearing in the model’s outputs (constant interpolation has zero-order discontinuities, linear interpolation has first-order discontinuities). Emissions input to a carbon cycle model may be such a case, as abrupt changes in the first-derivative of emissions may cause odd effects in the model’s output.

Cubic interpolation#

The last option (covered in this notebook) is to assume that the input is cubic between each discrete point.

cubic_spline = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(time, erf, kind="cubic")

If we make such a choice, our continuous function looks like the below (where previous interpolations are also included for comparison).

    **PLT_LINE_KWARGS, color="tab:green", label="cubic interpolation/piecewise cubic"

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, erf, **PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, linear_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, constant_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, quadratic_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_QUDRATIC_KWARGS)
ax.plot(TIME_FINE, cubic_spline(TIME_FINE), **{**PLT_CUBIC_KWARGS, "alpha": 1})

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

If we make such a choice, then the model’s temperature response will be something like the below (again, all scaled by parameter values but the magnitudes don’t matter for this current illustration). Again, we only plot the temperature at discrete points, because solvers only report at discrete points.

cubic_approx_tempreature_response = np.array([0.0, 0.13, 0.182, 0.185])

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(time, linear_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
ax.scatter(time, constant_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS)
ax.scatter(time, quadratic_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_QUDRATIC_KWARGS)
ax.scatter(time, cubic_approx_tempreature_response, **{**PLT_CUBIC_KWARGS, "alpha": 1})

_ = ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

Again, it is worth noticing that the model’s response would differ slightly, only because of a different choice of interpolation. The cubic interpolation is the next step up from the quadratic interpolation

  • in addition to having continuous first-oder derivatives, it also has continuous second-order derivatives. In some cases, this may be desirable (although we couldn’t think of any at the time of writing).


The key takeaway is that the choice of input interpolation is surprisingly important. When solving models with fgen, it is a key choice to make. We aim to provide a clean interface for these choices with the fgen_interp1d module. [TODO When we’ve worked it out, put a brief statement in here about where to look in order to control this interpolation choice when solving with fgen_solve_ivp.]

For completeness, we plot all the input interpolations and approximate model responses below.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 6))

axes[0].scatter(time, erf, **PLT_SCATTER_KWARGS)
axes[0].plot(TIME_FINE, linear_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
axes[0].plot(TIME_FINE, constant_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS)
axes[0].plot(TIME_FINE, quadratic_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_QUDRATIC_KWARGS)
axes[0].plot(TIME_FINE, cubic_spline(TIME_FINE), **PLT_CUBIC_KWARGS)
axes[0].legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

axes[1].scatter(time, linear_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_LINEAR_KWARGS)
axes[1].scatter(time, constant_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_CONSTANT_KWARGS)
axes[1].scatter(time, quadratic_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_QUDRATIC_KWARGS)
axes[1].scatter(time, cubic_approx_tempreature_response, **PLT_CUBIC_KWARGS)
axes[1].legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))
